Keep in touch...............


Keep iN touch with all Ur friends

an email has been sent to me talkinG about contactinG with our friends and dealing with

them kindly

and its headline took my attention

In My opinion I consider my friends liKe my shining stars in the beautiful and blue heaven

I feel high when I'm with them

But somtimes we see very beautiful and strong friendships fallinG down easily and breaking quickly

So I wonder why do they become like this

surely there are many reasons

and there're some points may be main reasons of breakinG friends's relationships

ThinkinG that your soul mate so busy and your dailinG will annoy him lead to be far away from him

then you'll feel shy in askinG about him and say in your self why shoul i dail

waitinG him 2 ask about you and care of you

but you are wronG and your waiting will last forever

after that you will be far

In the end you will break your friend heart by your stupiD behaviour

and no one will be beside you and no one will be there when you need anybody

so every one should keep in touch with all his friends

to always keep smiling with your honest friends infront of your pink liFe

that was my ideas about breaking friendships

hoppiNg that all oF u sharinG here with Ur ideas 2